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32 days to remembering yourself

Take this 32-day program to avoid hard work for setting goals and eliminate disappointment at failing new year’s resolutions.

Instead, use a fun and easy-to-follow step-by-step process to remember what is already within you.

By end of this program, you will

  • Have a clear understanding of your top values and priorities in life
  • Have a system in place for getting in empowered states on demand
  • Have created a magical vision board that you deeply resonate with and which reminds your path daily
  • Feel a sense of support and empowerment for the work you do
  • Be surprised how fun and effortless was the journey spread over 32 days

How this will work for you:

  • You will get a daily email for the next 32 days with instructions for simple daily tasks to do
  • Freedom to work on the tasks on your own schedule.
  • You will get 4 guided meditations for embodying each of the 4 archetypes.
  • Guidance through the process through email communication.


Just feel drained and have no energy to sign up for “yet another program”?

New year resolutions? You would rather skip them altogether because they have lost all meaning for you! 

You don’t even know what will make you happy anymore. Let alone how to get it!

Setting goals does not excite you at all.

Feels like being stuck between a rock and a hard place. And it does not look like anything is going to improve anytime soon, right?

The economy is going down.

Prices going up.

Government? You would rather not even think about it. Right?

And with every minute your self-worth is going down. 

You find it harder to eat healthily, and exercising is like a distant memory.

What if I told you that nothing is wrong with you, you just got into the wrong fight?

Do you ever wonder, if you are on a bad spell? 

Is it hard to get out of bed? And it feels like the life force has been literally sucked out of you?

And the worst part is frustration because you don’t have a clue what is the problem.

Does that sound like you?

I have been there before and know how it feels to try my best and still feel stuck.

It felt like I was trying everything under the sun and would still see no progress.

The problem was I did NOT try everything.

Instead of taking action, and facing trial & error, I was calculating the odds of success and avoiding failure at all costs. And what happened? I failed. I failed to take enough action to see success.

I was expecting to jump 10 steps forward, yet was scared to take the leap. SO is stayed stuck.

Then I would slowly take 3 steps forward, 2 steps back. 2 steps forward, 3 steps back. And yet again, stuck in place.

What stopped me was my own mind.

Believing in limiting beliefs, telling me what is and is not possible for me.

Unchecked subconscious mind programming that shaped my identity to survive, fit into society, and not stick out.

What I did not know was that I had a mismatch between what I was programmed to be and where I wanted to go. I was in the middle of being pulled apart in 2 opposite directions and could not understand why I was stuck, numb, depressed, and anxious.

I had to let go of either the programming or the desire for more.

If that sounds like you then sign up for the 32-day program to let go of past mistakes and remember your mission in life!

Outline of the program

Week 1 (Thursday to Sunday): Days 1 to 4: values and identity

Week 2: Days 5 to 11: Magician / Mystic

Week 3: Days 12 – 18: Lover / Lover

Week 4: Days 19 – 25: Warrior /Sage

Week 5: Days 26 to 32: Emperor / Queen

Sign up now and start next Thursday!