What if emotions are the cause of disease?
Today while socializing on Facebook I came across an article. And suddenly I had an idea. What if? What if the cause of the disease is in the heart of emotions? And then everything else is just an effect – poor decisions in self-care, diet, physical movements or lack thereof, etc.
What do you think: the chicken or the egg? ?
7 Things About a Vitamin B12 Deficiency to Never Ignore
So why instant cure? In short: Well, if the thesis is correct, then the cure of the dis-ease is ease, granted my cultivating appropriate emotional states. ?
Let me know if this makes any sense or it is just my fantasy and wishful thinking. Food for thought while boarding a plane or practicing yoga tree pose while standing in line in a Supermarket. ?
Wish you a great day where ever you are! ♥ Smile & ? present! See you at the next one! ♥
For me this seems related to this topic:
Anahata means indestructible. and it has 12 petals.