βΊ Did you know that you can see the sun rising from the ocean right at the center of the Las Palmas? You can!
βΊ Do you want to be healthy and happy? You can!
βΊ Are you excited to have a break in your routine and invite a positive change?Β
If any of this resonates with you, then come and join an open class of yoga to great arrival of a new day with breath of fresh air, great views and some movement. Sunday, 7:30am at Playa de Las Alcaravaneras! ?
I am organising this event to share my love for Yoga and Nature.
As a name suggest Sunday is a prefect day to give thanks to our life giver – the Sun. Also in some cultures week actually starts with the Sunday! So having a relaxing yoga practice sets a good tone for the rest of the week.
I choose the location next to the beach to remind that yoga is accessible to everyone. And its central location makes it more convenient at the same time.
I choose the sunrise for its magical power and beauty. It also brings benefit of being about perfect time of the day not no interfere with other plans you might have for the day. And lets face it – if you are not used to regular practice, then having a practice later in the day will give you more time to come up with excuses not to do it this time π Doing it the first thing in the morning gets it done!
Make this day special! Join me and start it with smile! ?
Some FAQ
βΎ Can I come? β Yes you can. Yoga is suitable to everyone and any level of fitness. In yoga we call them “modifications” and I will help you to find the ones suitable to you!
βΎ What if I am not flexible? β Do you want to be flexible? If yes, then you need to stretch more – come to yoga! If not, then there is not problem, just come to yoga and choose your own level of comfort in each posture.
βΎ Do I need a yoga mat? β No, but having one makes a practice more comfortable. Main benefits are better grip and cushioning. It also can be viewed like a temple and can provide you with more focus for practice. If you do not have one yet, bring a towel, blanket or anything else for your comfort.
βΎ What if I am tired or can’t wake up so early? β Here are some solutions that might help with these problems. Wake up with alarm clock, come to the practice, take a nap in afternoon (aka siesta). To ease waking up: go to sleep early (allowing you normal amount of sleep fo you), do not overeat (or over use any substance) before going to sleep, keep the room dark and quiet. Or try to remove the cause of being tired if it keeps you from feeling good and enjoying your life (i.e. doing a yoga practice)
βΎ 1h? Thats too much for me! β Generally I would recommend to stay till the end of the class (in a relaxing posture) to receive the full benefit of the practice. But if you need to leave before, you are welcome to do so respectfully.
βΎ Yoga is not for me. Why should I go? β I agree not everyone will enjoy yoga, but everyone can benefit from it! There are multiple ways of reaching the same goal. As long as you are happy and healthy I am cool with you having alternative practices (as long as you have some).
P.S. As master Yoda has said: “Do or do not. There is no try!”. Action is required. Namaste! ?