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Toms FAQ

Welcome. My name is Toms. And if you are looking at this page then you probably want to get to know a bit more about me.

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions.Β 

  • “Where are you from?”
    I am from Latvia πŸ‡±πŸ‡». And you?
  • “What’s the weather like there?”
    At the moment? I don’t know and have not been there for a while. We would both need to check a weather forecast to know for sure.
    The climate in Latvia is generally cloudy and similar to rest of the Europe – cold winters, warm summers. πŸ™‚
  • “Where do you live?”
    Currently, I live in Gran Canaria, Spain πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Έ. How about you?
  • How old are you?
    Hmm. Interesting… I am curious to know how old you think I am. Would you like to guess? 😏
  • “General knowledge” questions
    Sometimes I can be quite busy and do not have time to answer all the general facts, like where is Latvia, how big it is, etc? Please be so kind as to look it up yourself in your favorite search engine: Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, etc.
  • “I just want to be your friend!”
    Great. Sometimes people just say it and don’t mean it. And when we do mean it, for each of us it actually can mean very different things. To clear things up, please let me know answers to the following questions:
    • What does friendship mean to you?
    • What does a good friend mean to you? How would you define and recognize one?
    • Have you checked my profile, my content to get to know me better? Please let me know what do you think? πŸ™„
  • “How do you feel (today)?”
    9 out of 10 days I feel great! But don’t take my word for it. πŸ˜‰ Check my content and see it for yourself. Actions speak louder than words!
  • “What’s up?” / “Tell me about yourself.”
    Could you help me out here a bit: what exactly you would like to get to know about me?
  • “Oh, you are a yoga teacher! How long have you been doing that?
    Regularly since 2016. I go into more detail in my blog articles. You can start here. 😊
  • What do you do for fun/ in you free time?
    Any of the things that make me feel alive. Which is yoga, tai chi, hiking, walking, exploring, traveling, learning.
    “Spiritual entertainment”.
    Working on computers, programming, web development, scripting.
  • Can I call you? Can we talk?
    Sure I would love to! However, I can be very busy and have a lot of people to help. And I still need to make some money. Get in touch to get the pricing and schedule the call! πŸ€—


Hope you enjoyed reading this. Do you like games? I do. So as a confirmation that you have read this please use words gratitude and patience in your first message to me. I am looking forward to reading more about you! πŸ™

Wish you a great day. β™₯ Smile & Be present! 🐝 Invest in self, friendships & Real EstateΒ  β™₯